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Dr Eileen Tan-Gore
Head and Neck Surgery
Facial Trauma
Maxillofacial Surgery
Temporomandibular Joint Surgery
Skin Cancer Surgery
Hunter Region NSW
Photo Credit Good Thanks Media
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your mandible (jaw) to your skull to allow you to open and close your mouth. It is essential that your TMJ functions normally in order for you to perform vital functions like eating and talking.
For healthy function of your TMJ, there are several anatomical structures that must be in good condition:
The bones:
The condylar head and the glenoid fossa
The articular disc:
The cushion between the bones
The muscles:
The muscles of mastication
The ligaments:
Tough fibrous bands which hold the TMJ in place
Abnormality or injury to any of these, either singularly or in combination, can results in TMJ dysfunction.
The main symptoms of TMJ dysfunction are:
Pain, which can be:
Directly over the TMJ
Referred, resulting in headaches, jaw pain and neck pain
Trismus (decreased mouth opening)
Noises in the joint upon movement
Accurate diagnosis of the cause for your TMJ dysfunction may require Xray, CT scan or MRI scan.
The goals of treatment for TMJ dysfunction are:
Pain-free function
Improved mouth opening
Education on self-management for TMJ dysfunction
Once Dr Tan-Gore has discussed the cause of your TMJ dysfunction with you, she will recommend a treatment which may include a combination of:
You may be recommended a course of Physiotherapy as the main treatment, or in combination with surgery to maximise your pain free function.
You may be recommended a trial of Neurotoxin injections into the main muscles of mastication for management
of ongoing muscle dysfunction. This treatment is aimed at interrupting the stimulus for muscle spasm to relieve
Oral Splint:
You may be referred to a Dentist or Prosthetist to have an oral splint made. The splint is different from a mouth guard and is designed to keep open your mouth slightly in order to decrease the pressure on your joint.
A small camera is inserted into your jaw joint through small incisions, which helps with diagnosis. It can also be used to perform a washout of the joint to remove inflammatory mediators and debris, and to place medicaments directly into the joint.
Open Surgery:
Surgery which allows for direct access to the joint.
TMJ Replacement:
If the joint damage is severe, then a Total Joint Replacement may be recommended
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Head and Neck Surgery. Microvascular Reconstructive Surgeon. TMJ Surgery. Facial Trauma. Head & Neck Cancer. Skin Cancer. Wisdom Teeth. Salivary Gland. Dentoalveolar. Oral Pathology. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Head and Neck Surgeon. Masseter Botox. Cosmetic injections. Merewether. TMJ Specialist. Oral Surgeon. Newcastle. New South Wales.
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